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SIMON LEIGH MSc, FDAP Accredited, UKRCP Reg. Addiction Counsellor Menu

School Drug & Addiction Talks

Never has drug education in schools been so necessary with latest figures showing that a staggering 20%-25% of 11-15 year old children in the UK have tried illegal drugs. That figure doubles with 16-24 year olds.

It is clear that the old "JUST SAY NO" approach does not work and with the escalating strengths and new strains of drugs hitting the streets, combined with the decreasing cost of drugs and the ever increasing number and widespread availability of "legal highs," effective drug education is of paramount importance .

So, what is "effective" drugs education? The difficulty is getting the balance right between dispelling the myths, teaching the facts and maintaining the perception of freedom of choice. This is where Simon excels. His hard hitting, fast-paced and interactive talks keep his audiences engaged, involved and enthralled throughout. From individual classes to entire year groups the feedback is always the same:

"Simon's talk was much better than any previous drug education I got at school."
North London Collegiate 6th Form Pupil.

"You inspired a student at school on just another Thursday afternoon."
Bishop's Stortford College Lower 6th Form Student.

"That was the best assembly we've ever had. Can he come back?"
North Bridge House Senior School Pupil.

Education is the key to curb the binge culture amongst teens today, limit the damage caused by misleading and dangerous websites and reduce the number of drug induced mental health issues, hospital admissions and deaths caused by the use of recreational drugs.

Simon also conducts evening presentations to parent groups to keep parents abreast of what their child is learning, thus promoting open discussions at home. This also gives parents the opportunity to ask questions to alleviate their growing fears caused by the often tragic drug-related stories frequently reported in the media.

Simon has also run seminars to Heads of schools at the Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference (HMC) in 2011, 2015, and 2018.

Read the testimonials below, or see the full list of schools that Simon has spoken at.

International Schools

École Jeannine Manuel - Lille, France


"The most authentic and effective Drug Talk we've ever organized at our school. The planned hour-and-a-half turned into almost two hours, since the students were so inquisitive and eager to learn. As an adult the learning curve was huge for me as well as for my colleagues. Thank you Simon for sharing your personal experience and knowledge with us. Unforgettable and highly effective!!!"
Sara Delesalle, Director of the International Baccalaureate Programme.

American School of Milan - Milan, Italy


"It was wonderful to have Simon Leigh visit our school and speak to our students on a topic that can be very sensitive, yet is so important! Simon's approach to presenting on addiction and drugs through sharing his own personal experiences proved to be a great way for our students to really engage with the information being taught. The presentation provided them with an awareness of addiction and drugs that will hopefully open more doors to communication and continued learning."
Shelbie Ely, Middle School Counsellor.

St. George's British International School - Rome, Italy


"I found your talk really empowering. I loved the way you didn't talk down to us and just gave us the facts. You used the right amount of facts, humour and personal experience to keep us all engaged."
Anonymous Year 13 student.

"I just wanted to thank you for your talk. Before you started I really wasn't looking forward to it and thought it was going to be just another drug talk but I really enjoyed it and loved the way you presented it."
Anonymous Year 12 Student.

St. Stephen's School - Rome, Italy


"Simon's talk is transformational. He has an incredible ability to convey his personal struggles in a humble and engaging way. While understanding that some adolescents will inevitably engage in high risk behavior, he is particularly effective in explaining to students that there is no real safe way to try drugs. It is evident that he cares about the futures of these young people and provides them with facts and truths that will help them make healthier decisions. He is also funny and approachable, and that's exactly what one needs with teenagers."
Viktorija Podagelyte, Dean of Students.

St. Catherine's British School - Athens, Greece


"I thought that your speech was moving, inspiring and motivational... The way you communicated with all the students was exceptional."
Anonymous student.

"On behalf of my school I would like to congratulate you on the way you tackled the lecture today. I admire how honest you were and believe that telling us the truth is what had the biggest impact on us all. I truly think you made those who already do drugs, think twice about their actions."
Anonymous student.

St. Lawrence College The British School in Greece - Athens, Greece


"He took no sides and just gave facts with plenty of detail... Humour and lively presentation... Very informative... He answered questions that would otherwise not have been asked... Thank you for an honest account and a neutral approach."
Year 10 students.

Byron College - Athens, Greece


"Attending Mr Leigh's workshop was a fantastic experience. The personal experiences he shared, gave the workshop a different perspective. Mr Leigh's advice and insight offered our students invaluable information for their future. I would love for him to return to our school with more information about drugs as harmful substances, other users' experiences, and their families' and relatives' perspectives."
Evi Doxastaki, School Nurse.

"Mr. Leigh's approach caught both our children's and parent's attention as it was real, honest, witty, moving and extremely informative."
Taken from school's website.

"We learned about the different drugs and what to do if we come across them."
Anonymous Year 9 Student.

"I was amazed to hear how drugs ruin lives."
Anonymous Year 10 Student.

"I attended Simon Leigh's presentation to parents. I was under the impression that the situation was more controlled and safer than when I was in school, I was shocked to discover that it's a lot worse!"
Anonymous Parent.

Campion School - Athens, Greece


"What an incredible presentation that was. It was enlightening, it was from the heart and it was something very unexpected! All schools should ask to hear it. Thank you for that. Our pupils are still discussing it with us. The parents who went to the talk in the evening are also emailing us, thanking us that we had him at our school. It was so worth it."
Angie Gargareta, Assistant Head, Pastoral.

"Simon's session was informative, realistic and immensely thought-provoking. The students entered the hall thinking they were attending another drugs talk and left having asked lots of questions, having learnt a lot and been captivated by Simon's stories, knowledge and presence on the stage."
Emma Soos, Senior School Assistant Head.

"Everyone truly appreciated the honesty and the will in your words... I believe you'd be a great role model for all of us. You managed to help a lot with preventing drug use without using fear but only honest bullet point facts. The speech was vivid enough to give away a strong message to users without making them think that this is just one more everyday speech. In my opinion that speech might have saved a big percentage of us from self-destruction."
Anonymous Year 10 Student.

Park Lane International School - Prague, Czech Republic


"Simon delivered a talk that struck the optimal balance between straight facts, words of caution and guidance on handling encounters with drugs. The lecture was absent of condescension that often prevails in lectures on this topic. It was captivating, informative and presented in an absolutely relatable manner to the students."
Leonela Nicollaj, Teaching Assistant.

The British School of Barcelona - Barcelona, Spain


"I just wanted to say a big thank you for your talk to Year 10 today. I wish we could have done it face to face but I still felt the presentation had a really powerful effect and the message of being properly informed and knowing the facts about drugs was exactly what we are all looking to reinforce from a school point of view... I very much hope we can work together again."
James Petrie, Head of Secondary.

The English Montessori School - Madrid, Spain


"Simon's talk about Drugs and Drug Dependency was very insightful and well explained. Of all the talks we have had about drugs this one was the best because he gave us the actual facts. He gave us advice other than just telling us not to do drugs. We liked that he talked about personal experiences because it made it feel close and real. How he explained addiction - not wanting to do it but needing it - was very impactful."
Year 10 Students.

"Simon's talk about Drugs and Drug Dependency was very interesting. We liked that he spoke from his own experiences and about regret and how that feels. The way he talked showed he wasn't ashamed of speaking about his story, he just wanted us to learn from his mistakes and spoke in a very sincere way to show the consequences of drug addiction. He was honest and it's hard to talk about rough moments in your life but he was brave to share that with us. The stories he told were very impactful and after you hear the stories you can imagine what it's like to live through that... We liked that he had both points of view - experience and studies - and he didn't sugar coat things, he was real. He talks about drug users as people who need help, not people who have done something really wrong. He wasn't trying to scare us, he just told us the facts which are scary enough by themselves. He spoke very well and was very easy to understand."
Year 11 Students.

Aloha College - Marbella, Spain


"The staff and the kids were very impressed with you as a speaker and the information you provided... it was worth the wait... 95.4% said they now feel better informed to make decisions regarding drug-taking."
Louise Verinder, Head of Pastoral Care.

"When I heard we were having a drugs talk I was expecting someone to just tell us drugs are bad so don't do them. I just wanted to thank you for understanding that we are teenagers and are likely to want to experiment and also for sharing your experience as well as the facts with us in the way that you did."
Anonymous 6th Form student.

"Absolutely fascinating and enlightening for us all."
Anonymous Student.

The British International School of Marbella - Marbella, Spain


Prior Park School - Gibraltar


"This was the 6th drug talk I have been to and I learnt more in this one than any other"
Peter Watts, Headmaster.

"The pupils were engaged and enthusiastic about the experience and definitely came away with much to think about - discussions were going on for days afterwards about your experiences and what they had learned."
Mrs Mae Easter, Head of Elizabeth House & Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Aiglon College - Chesieres, Switzerland


International School of Geneva - Geneva, Switzerland


UK Schools

St. Benedict's School


"I have been a teacher for 26 years and that was by far and away the best talk I have ever heard!"
Shaun Hullis, Head of Classics.

"This was exactly the sort of talk that teenagers need on drugs: factual, objective and frank. It is telling that many of our students were discussing the talk in the days afterwards, and it was very helpful in taking on the online myths about drugs which so many young people take as facts."
Luke Ramsden, Deputy Headmaster.

Salesian College


"I think you just changed my life!"
Anonymous Year 13 student.

"I have had an incredible amount of positive feedback from students, parents and staff... Hope to book you again in the near future."
Paul Dalgas, Assistant Headteacher.

"Thanks for taking the time to organise the talk about drugs. I have been to a few - and this was by far the best."
Anonymous Parent.

"Very positive from all - 8 or 9 out of 10 for each student. When I asked if anything they had heard gave them new information or would make them think twice about certain things they all said yes definitely."
Year 11 Tutor.

Farringtons School


"Simon's talks go beyond the traditional 'don't do drugs' workshop that has become all-too-familiar in education. There is no scaremongering in his sessions. Instead, he offers young people honest facts and advice about how and where they might encounter drugs and the best way to stay safe. In our most recent series of talks, pupils have been left jaw-dropped by Simon's heartfelt and self-authentic stories about drug addiction. It has led to many positive conversations with our pupils and we will certainly be booking him again next year!"
Sam Palacios, Assistant Head (Pastoral and Boarding).

Bedford School


"Simon Leigh's profound impact on our boys will be long-lasting. Not only engaging, and extremely knowledgeable; he has the unique ability to connect with his audience (of any age and number) and really make them listen to what he has to say. It is a scary world out there, and Simon does not deny that, nor does he sugar-coat his facts, figures and sometimes shocking stories. He also does not go down the 'Just say no!' route that has proved so unsuccessful since Nancy Reagan first uttered the slogan, but gives instead practical, real-world advice to pupils on how handle a variety of different situations, using various scenario based examples. Parents and boys alike have been glowing in their praise, and so much so that Simon is coming back twice more this year so that we can get all year groups access his talk."
Mrs Melanie Lincoln, Head of General Education.

"We would like to thank you for the organisation of the drugs seminar which we attended last night. The stimulus to engage our son, having been exposed to the same content as the boys earlier, is invaluable."
Anonymous Parent.

"The drugs presentation has made me feel far more informed and confident with talking to my own boys and also boys in the House and their parents."
Anonymous Teacher & Parent.

Bedford Modern School


"The feedback I have received has been fantastic with a number of students coming to thank us for organising the event, sharing how they thought they knew about drugs before but the talk had completely transformed their understanding. And parents taking the time to contact us after the events to further add their thanks for both events."
Ellen Shepherd, Head of PSHEE.

Albyn School


"Simon has visited us twice, in 2019 and 2023. Both times we were struck with his frank, powerful anti-drugs message, his candour and openness, and his calm and persuasive manner. Pupils are impressed in every way, with the significance of his own experiences clearly being profound and salient. The reaction is palpable, and whilst that immediate impact is clearly evident, the long-term impact may well be deeply effective - reaching those that may not otherwise have been reached. We look forward to his next visit to our school."
David Starbuck, Senior Deputy Head.

"I'm sure you get many emails commending your work and attitude towards such an impactful topic but you helped put many drugs and situations into perspective for me personally and I was never bored which is a rare occasion for me with most talks! Your work is truly inspiring and I really enjoyed the presentation as a whole."
Anonymous S5 Student.

"Simon's talks to pupils and parents really get 'cut through'. His personal style is authoritative and humane and exudes personal experience and deep knowledge. What he has to say resonates with teens and adults alike such that they clearly listen to and respect him. I would highly recommend Simon for a talk at your school."
Stefan Horsman, Headmaster.

The International School of Aberdeen


"We recently had Simon come and deliver some drugs and addiction talks at our school, and we couldn't be happier with the results. He did an amazing job engaging both the students and parents who attended the talk. His honest approach was refreshing, and he focused on educating the audience on how to stay safe, rather than preaching to them. His ability to connect with the audience was truly remarkable. He used real-life examples and scenarios that were relatable to the students, which made it easier for them to understand the dangers of drug abuse. He also provided practical tips on how to avoid risky situations and what to do if they find themselves in such situations. The parents who attended the talk were equally impressed. They appreciated his non-judgmental approach and his focus on empowering their children to make the right choices. The feedback we received from parents and students was overwhelmingly positive, with many saying that it was the best drugs talk they had ever attended. Overall, we are grateful to have had such a fantastic speaker who not only educated our students and parents but also left a lasting impact on them. We highly recommend him to other schools and organizations looking to educate their communities about drug prevention and addiction in general."
Sarah Cusworth, Middle and High School Assistant Principal.

St. Margaret's School For Girls Aberdeen


"Simon's talk was very engaging and very well pitched to our senior pupils, giving them all the facts needed to make appropriate decisions in the future. A number of pupils commented that it was one of the most useful sessions they had had from an outside speaker and that it would stick in their minds for many years to come."
Anna Tomlinson, Headmistress.

"Epic"; "Informative, full of humour and totally engaging"; "Knows what teenagers need to hear about this topic"; "Learned facts that we were not aware of"; "Let us know how to be safe without scaring us"; "Gave us straightforward facts from which we can make informed decisions in the future."
Various anonymous senior students.

Robert Gordon's College


"Your presentations were very well received by pupils, the staff and by parents who attended them. This is a real and pressing issue in UK society and we felt that your real world experience and down to earth style assisted greatly in communicating a very hard set of messages. We felt the presentations were very helpful indeed and the overall input was much appreciated."
Simon Mills, Headmaster.

Claremont Independent School


"Simon's talks were exceptionally informative and engaging, offering unadorned facts, powerful insights and clear strategies for both students and parents to approach this risky, complex aspect of young adulthood in a constructive way.

Simon is honest and realistic in his approach, accepting that preaching and prohibiting don't work in preventing teen drug use, but that honesty, empathy and information do. He explained in detail the 'highs and lows' of all the main drugs now accessible in the UK... Simon showed a balanced approach to the topic that won his young audience over... the audience was left in no doubt that the term 'recreational' is a poor description of what these substances really are, given their life-changing impact.

When addressing the issue with parents, Simon also gave parents very sensible, easily-applied strategies for spotting the signs of drug use in their children, opening up a conversation if suspicions arise, and agreeing with children what actions and responsibilities are expected of them, should they ever find themselves in a drug-taking situation. Simon's mission is clear - to support our young people to make mature, properly-informed choices when the moment of temptation arises. He will have saved at least one life with his talk to us today."

Mimi McNally, Head of Psychology and EPQ/HPQ.

"It was clear the impact Simon's talk had on our sixth formers yesterday. His mix of factual information, and at times harrowing personal details, is highly engaging. He avoids the heavy handed approach that so often turns off older students. Both Students and parents, having heard from their children, have been volunteering positive feedback today. We've just rebooked Simon to speak to the rest of the school in the new year."
Rebecca Huron, Head of Safeguarding.

"I would like to say a huge thank you to you for arranging the presentation by Simon Leigh last night. Simon achieved his goals with me... I am now much better informed about the drugs world even though it is quite terrifying what can happen to an individual. My daughter also feels much more aware of how prolific the issue is and how to keep safe. Amazing openness by Simon, very brave."
Anonymous Parent.

Haberdashers' Girls' School


"Highly factual, gave us all the information we would need... Helpful because we knew it was researched and true unlike most information we find online... Captivating and always felt interesting... Easy to ask him questions and very well thought out answers... He had first hand experience so it felt very real coming from him... Very specific on the fact that he didn't want us to do drugs but didn't waste the time repeating himself instead gave information and left it up to us to decide... Stories gave us a 'real' idea of outcomes but his aim wasn't to scare us into not doing drugs but to inform us what will happen."
Anonymous Year 9 Student.

"Very informative with clear information. Makes us not want to do drugs. Came from someone with experience so it felt more true and real... It was enjoyable and interesting to listen to. Usually, when we have a speaker I get very bored but when we got this talk I felt entertained."
Anonymous Year 9 Student.

"I really enjoyed the drugs talk... explaining to us the facts instead of telling us not to take drugs was a better approach... I think the whole year has become more informed about drugs."
Anonymous Year 9 Student.

Battle Abbey School


"Simon's approach to a well-worn topic was engaging, knowledgeable, inspiring and transparent. Our pupils engaged with his anecdotal and charismatic style, and felt like they weren't being patronised in the process. The impact of his talk has been community wide, with many parents voicing that they have been able to have real and frank discussions with their young people around the topics of Drugs and addiction. It was one of the best talks we have hosted here at the school, and one we look forward to having again."
Rebecca Ingall, DSL/Head of Welfare.

Ipswich School


"Thank you so much for spending Monday and Tuesday with us at Ipswich School... your talks were received brilliantly well by our pupils and parents, equally... It has been great to speak to Sixth Form students - and even my own son in Year 9 - about their thoughts on your approach. They unequivocally appreciated your honesty and objectivity. You simply gave them the facts, and encouraged them to think carefully and make their own informed decisions. So much more powerful than a top-down dictat, like so much else they hear... Conversations have been ongoing all week, in fact, and often started by pupils wanting to know more. I look forward to working with you again."
Ben Cliff, Head of Sixth Form.

"We found it incredibly informative and our son came home from school deeply struck by the information presented to him this afternoon. Probably one of the most useful and relevant sessions we have been to and we're very grateful for the school's efforts."
Anonymous Year 9 Parent.

"I went to the parents drug talk on Monday, and I have to say it has stayed with me and I found it incredibly moving and very effective... Every child and parent should go."
Anonymous Year 8 Parent.

"I think the fact that Simon is himself a recovering addict and has so much personal experience to draw upon made it all so much more real. It was also extremely helpful in opening up lines of communication on the subject with the boys at home with them having heard the same talk. I hear that there were a few children who had to leave the room during their talks... amazing that he could provoke such a response with no graphic images or photos... just words! Those parents who chose not to attend definitely missed out."
Anonymous Year 12 Parent.

"They both found it fascinating and they were saying how inspiring the speaker was... this was definitely a big deterrent, so from a parents point of view I'm so grateful."
Anonymous Year 9 & 11 Parent.

Kingham Hill School


"Best talk we've had all year!"
Anonymous 6th Form Students.

Lord Wandsworth College


"Simon's talk was informative, witty and engaging. His personal experience with drug addiction and subsequent rehabilitation gave the talk a gravitas which kept the students focused on his every word. Well-structured and detailed, he gave the students a comprehensive overview of the most prominent street drugs. His wit and dry sense of humour created a comfortable atmosphere in which the students could ask questions whilst also serving to further highlight the disturbing, dangerous and darkly humorous aspects of youthful drug-taking. The message of the dangers of drug-taking was made perfectly clear without resorting to common scare tactics."
Miss Jennie Cooper, Head of Academic Enrichment.

City of London School


"I would like to recommend Simon Leigh to schools or groups who are involved in educating young people about drugs. The session, run by Simon, that I attended was an extraordinary experience. As a presenter, he was engaging, informative and had the authenticity of someone who knew the dangers of drugs from first-hand experience. His message came across in vivid form that certainly caused the pupils to think carefully about the implication of ever taking drugs. A highly effective session."
Martin Biltcliffe, Head of Drama.

"Simon's talk is hard hitting... He delivers important facts about a wide range of drugs without preaching."
Anonymous teacher.

"I found Simon's talk authentic, touching, and informative. Starting from his own life experience, with excellent communication skills, Simon shares his vast professional and technical knowledge with his audience in a very approachable and effective way, making his talk very suited to engaging young minds and very useful for parents too. I strongly recommend it."
Lorreta McGregor, Parent.

Wolverhampton Grammar School


"I was gripped for the whole 90mins... I also became quite emotional... I wish there were people like you around 25 years ago...I will remember your talk forever."
Anonymous Parent.

"There are few times when a visiting speaker to your school manages to capture the attention and focus of students from Year 11 to the Upper Sixth for a presentation - even fewer that can manage this successfully for an hour and a half! Simon spoke brilliantly to our students, engaging them, educating them and freely speaking of his own experiences. The students were so taken by the presentation that not only did they thank him afterwards but they voluntarily told me how brilliant they had found the talk - even more importantly they discussed and debated the issues raised for days afterwards which indicated how much they had been made to think about the issues raised. Never condescending, judgemental or preaching in what was communicated Simon must be one of the best speakers on drugs and addiction in the country and certainly the finest that I have ever heard. Not only that but his presentation to parents was equally invaluable both educating them and answering questions or concerns - the fact that he told the parents exactly what he had told the students meant that there were many meaningful conversations over the dinner table in the homes of the families of our school. Simply superb in every respect - I cannot recommend Simon enough."
Toby Hughes, Deputy Head.

University College School


"Great talk. Combined objective detail with personal (and well considered) opinion, humour and relatable anecdotes.....Would highly recommend bringing him back."
Anonymous 6th form student.

"I thought he was excellent. He was engaging...despite the serious topic involved he still managed to prevent it from being overwhelming...He treated us like intelligent people and was not patronising which is often a problem with talks like this. I had reservations regarding this talk initially so it was a pleasant surprise when it turned out to be very worthwhile."
Anonymous 6th form student.

"I thought his talk was by far the most interesting and engaging of all the talks we’ve had. I definitely think other year groups would enjoy it too."
Anonymous 6th form student.

Radnor House Twickenham


"As a housemaster, pastoral deputy and head, I have been attending talks about drugs for many years, often hearing similar messages delivered in similar ways. However, this was certainly not the case when Simon Leigh came to speak to us at Radnor House. The brutal honesty with which he reflected on his own errors of judgement, his up to date knowledge of the current drugs scene and his uncompromising messages about the damage caused by illegal substances made for one of the most powerful talks I have heard on this topic. I cannot recommend him highly enough."
Darryl Wideman, Head.



"I thought it was really useful to have a talk about drugs that focused more on facts and scientific studies than a more biased approach. Simon was very interesting and sharing his own experience was incredible to listen to."
Anonymous 6th form student.

"The talk was very insightful. I feel more aware of the risks that come with street drugs. It was good to see someone who actually struggled with a drug addiction and managed to overcome it."
Anonymous 6th form student.

"High paced and interactive"
Anonymous 6th form student.

St. Paul's School


"Simon's straight talking approach really resonated with our pupils. His matter of fact style created an instant sense of credibility and got our boys really thinking about the dangers of drug use. Simon draws on his own experience and expertise of addiction to deliver a presentation that is full of understanding, humour and genuine insight."
Sam Madden, Head of Mental Health and Wellbeing.

The Perse


"Thank you for your powerful and insightful presentation... Your passion for your mission to prevent the devastating harm caused by drugs was so strong."
Anonymous parent.

"I attended the talk yesterday evening and found it very helpful and informative... I now feel much better equipped to do further research of my own and to have a meaningful conversation with both my year 10 son and my 18 year old daughter."
Anonymous Parent.

"The talk was very absorbing - I learnt a lot and hardly noticed by the end that he had been speaking for an hour and a half."
Anonymous Year 12 Student.

Bishop's Stortford College


"The way in which you spoke had me hanging on every word...Your efforts to warn us of just a few of the things which could happen with drugs will undoubtedly be remembered and are firmly remaining in my head...You inspired a student at school on just another Thursday afternoon."
Lower 6th Form Student.

"I thought your speech was amazing. It really helped me learn more about drugs - I found I didn't know as much as I thought I did. You made it interesting & shocking...We needed someone to come in and tell us the harsh realities of drug taking and that's exactly what you did...I hope you come back to the college to do more lectures."
Lower 6th Form Student.

King's Bruton


"The student feedback was really positive... Your talk really hit the right spot for us. A mixture of knowledge and experience, delivered in a way that didn't turn the students off, 'believable, engaging and not patronising' were words that stood out for me."
Zanna Wilson-Brown, Head of PHSEE.

"Interesting, better than ones before, he knew who he was talking to and how to do it, good at engaging."
Anonymous Student.

"Very good. He used humour and he didn't use scare tactics. He wasn't patronising and he was honest. He used personal experiences. He didn't simply read from the Powerpoint."
Anonymous Student.

"Made me want to stay to ask questions; not simply leave"
Anonymous Student.

Trent College


"Your lecture was informative, engaging and most importantly delivered with genuine passion and integrity...Information from someone who has actually 'been there and done that' has far more resonance than it would if delivered by someone from our staff."
Dan Brown, Head of Year 13.

"I thought your talk was was interesting and gave everyone the facts...I think you're really inspirational...if that doesn't make people think twice next time I'm not sure what will!"

City of London School for Girls


"Simon never fails to engage our Year 10 students with his talk on drugs and drug addiction. The key for me is that he is never patronising, and injects his talk with humour so that his audience is put at their ease. The message about how dangerous drugs can be is clear throughout, but at the same time Simon's presentation does not feel like a "nag" - which can so often be the case with talks about drugs. As one Year 10 student put it "I'd much rather hear from Simon with his wealth of experience than one of our teachers or our parents." A great talk from a great speaker."
Susannah Gilham, Head of Senior School.

"You spoke at my daughter's school yesterday... Your accounts of your experiences and your words had a profound effect on her... she came home deeply struck by your talk."
Anonymous Parent.

The Hall


"The boys have almost universally found the content of the discussions and his approach to be beneficial and informative...It has proved to be very useful having somebody who is not a teacher or not closely connected to the school to talk to the children."
Craig Watson, Deputy Head.

Mill Hill School


"We have had a very positive response following your session with our pupils, saying that you really understood the world they are growing up in and felt that you were able to see things from their perspective and explain things in a way that they were able to relate to."
Jane Sanchez, Deputy Head (Pastoral).

Belmont Mill Hill Preparatory School


"There is no doubt that the power of his words will have had an effect on the way that those addressed perceive drug abuse...Feedback from pupils and parents was universally positive...I would be happy to recommend Simon to any school which is seeking to put on this kind of event"
Helen Lawson, Head of RE and PSHE.

Lyndhurst House School


"The session lasted for 2 hours and the pace never dropped for a moment!"
Simon Stringer, Deputy Head.

Cokethorpe School


"The explanations of what a drug is and the affects it has on the body both physically and mentally was really clear and struck a chord with the pupils. It was really interesting to hear how the different drugs can affect individuals in many ways and I think the reference to the dangers of each one was pertinent... Your frankness and clarity was a real eye opener and I know that it was a message that was easy to understand and resonated with all of the pupils... I would highly recommend Simon not only as someone who can clearly convey a message to pupils but also a valuable resource in engaging and including parents to become more knowledgeable about the dangers of drugs"
Mark O'Connor, Housemaster of Lower School.

Halliford School


"Simon spoke with great skill and knowledge to students, staff and parents. His ability to relate and empathize with all parties, through personal experience is a real strength of his speaking, and I have no doubt that all attendees benefited greatly from the time he shared with us."
James Bown, Deputy Head Pastoral.

Sir Thomas Rich's Gloucester


"Just wanted to thank you for the most engaging and powerful talk last night at STRS... Just mind blowing."
Anonymous Parent.

Prior's Field Godalming Surrey


"The session went really well. The girls were very engaged and listened throughout. They said that it was intense but good. I take that as a win."
Alison Baines, Wellbeing Coordinator.

St. Peter's High School


"Simon's energy and enthusiasm created an atmosphere in the room that maintained the interest of the 250 students. His mix of accurate scientific facts, humour and honest reality allowed students to really gain a handle on the difficult issues involved...The buzz and atmosphere leaving the hall amongst the students leads me to conclude that today will have an impact on the choices they make in the future."
Andrew Barnard, Director of 16-19 Education.

"The talks were very well received by staff and students alike and we feel that your manner and approach were extremely well were consummately professional throughout...We look forward to the possibility of working with you again."
Philip Rush, Deputy Headteacher.

Arnold House School


"I think the boys, especially, gained from listening to you and we look forward to you coming in again during the next academic year"
Vivian Thomas, Headmaster.

North London Collegiate School


"Simon has given talks to Years 9, 10 and 12 and the feedback from all years was very positive. His talks were engaging and very informative with a comprehensive overview of the facts concerning a wide range of drugs and the consequences of addiction...the girls found his story compelling."
Barbara Pomeroy, Deputy Head.

"The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive...As a school we would be more than willing to endorse you."
Emma Duggan, Teacher.

"Simon's talk was much better than any previous drug education I got at school, it was much more memorable."

"Effective, informative and credible."

"Well pitched, I learnt new things."

North Bridge House Prep School


"Simon has visited North Bridge House Prep School on two occasions...The subject of the first talk was addiction and the second was drug taking.  Both presentations were very well delivered and the boys learnt a lot, which led to many thought provoking questions...We would recommend him as he knows his subject matter well and pitches the talk at the children's level...We look forward to booking Simon again next year."
Brodie Bibby, Headmaster.

North Bridge House Senior School


"The students found the talk original in its approach and more effective than previous ones...They found the content relevant to their age group and they loved how frank you were... They appreciated being able to ask a lot of questions and never found you patronising."
Lexi Spheris, Biology Teacher.

"That was the best assembly we've ever had. Can he come back?"
NBH Senior School Pupil.

Westminster Under School


"Simon discussed the facts of drug abuse at the right level for the pupil audience without diminishing the serious message of the terrible impact a drug addiction can have on anyone's life.  An essential lesson for all young people in today's society."
Nicola Nicoll, Head of Science.

The Chalfonts Community College


"Simon shared a message that was factually raw and pastorally sensitive. The students were engaged and left reflective by the integrity and honesty that Simon brought."
Adam Whitlock, Head of Religion, Philosophy & Ethics.

Quainton Hall School


"Simon gave a very informative and thought provoking talk to staff, parents and pupils at my school... He was able to give up to date information about the whole area of drug taking, the law and the effects of addiction... I can firmly recommend any school to book Simon as soon as they can."
Edwin Brown, Headmaster, Quainton Hall School.

Camden School for Girls


"I just wanted to say thank you because it was nice to have a talk about drugs that wasn't encouraging us not to take them but telling us the facts about exactly what will happen if you do... so often I can feel patronised by adults talking about drugs but the way you do it is informative and interesting and I got a lot from it."
Anonymous 6th from student.

Yateley Manor


"...Simon was the answer to all our concerns... the children were completely engaged with and interested in the information Simon gave... Simon commanded his audience in an unbelievable way; he answered all their questions in a candid and informative manner and really made the children think about the choices they will have to make. As a parent myself, I wish my children could have heard him talk."
Sheena Washer, Head of Years 7 & 8.

Beaudesert Park School


"Simon provided a compelling and authentic narrative with a very strong anti-drug message for our Year 8 pupils. We could not have asked for a better presentation."
Mike Bevan, Head of PSHE.

St. John's School


"We've invited Simon back to St John's year on year. Nobody could enthral the boys and do the drug talk better."
Steve Hallett Head of PSHCEE.

Eltham College


"Well done on a long hard day at Eltham College...Compelling and educational...I'm very glad that both my boys heard you give a version of the same drugs awareness talk earlier today."
Anonymous Parent.

Lycée Français Charles De Gaulle de Londres


"Simon delivered an outstanding talk to our pupils and parents. We recommend him to all school and definitely will work with him in the future."
Dr Pardis Momeni, School Doctor.

Redmaids' School


"We would thoroughly recommend Simon as a speaker to school groups. He spoke to our Years 10 and 11 and had them hooked for well over 90 minutes. Simon was easy to listen to, extremely well-informed and very engaging. Our students particularly appreciated hearing about his own personal experiences and they commented afterwards that this gave the talk much greater depth and meaning. We are looking forward to inviting Simon back to our school in the future."
Jacklyn Turner, Senior Teacher - Pastoral.

Shiplake College


"Some of the students I spoke to at the end of the day used words such as 'inspirational', 'down to earth' and 'a great way to approach the subject'. I couldn't agree more."
Sarah Krause, Head of PSHE.

"The feedback from the students has been 100% positive, and they are a difficult bunch to please!"
Emma Farrell, Assistant Head & Head of 6th Form

"I thoroughly enjoyed Simon Leigh's talk on Thursday - I could have quite easily listened to him for hours!
I have been to talks in the past that I haven't connected with and have gone over my head, however, this one really got me engaged.

Anonymous 6th Form Student

Kew House School


"We invited Simon into school to talk to the students about drugs and addiction. The students and parents both thoroughly appreciated the session(s) he delivered as they were filled with invaluable factual information as well as realistic advice for both parents and young people. We will be inviting him back to talk to a different group of students next academic year."
Kate Rice, Head of IS & GA Co‑ordinator.

Bishop Wordsworth's School


"Simon's talks were highly informative and hard-hitting in their emotional impact. Students were not only informed, they were challenged to think. They were given the facts they needed to make crucial decisions. Staff and pupils were engaged throughout and parents attending a separate talk were given a valuable opportunity to ask questions and discuss. Simon's passion for his cause was evident and that made the message powerful."
Hilary Taylor, Head of Lower School.

"It's one of the best talks I've been to and the two hours flew by. It was very educational and Simon was so engaging. I'm really grateful that my son and I both had the chance to listen to him. We have since chatted about the talk and it's had a very lasting effect on both of us."
Anonymous Parent

"It should be compulsory for all parents."
Anonymous Parent

William Perkin C of E High School


"Every year Simon talks to our students as part of a science unit all about drugs and how they affect the body. His talks give students an insight into street drugs and addiction, giving the facts from a point of view that we as teachers are unable to. His delivery style engages students and enables them to make up their own minds about drugs. We look forward to welcoming him again next year."
Tim Miall, Head of Science.

Akeley Wood School


"My form found the talk a useful, informative session and were all firmly of the opinion that this was an important subject which was delivered in a more effective way as the speaker was not a school teacher and had first-hand experience of drugs both as an ex-addict and drugs counsellor."
Emily McEwen, English Teacher.

"He influenced us without putting pressure on us"
Anonymous Year 10 Student.

"It was eye opening"
Anonymous Year 10 Student.

"He used humour which made it interesting"
Anonymous Year 10 Student.

"it was good to be allowed to ask questions"
Anonymous Year 10 Student.

"Real life stories made his message more powerful"

Thomas Knyvett College


"Our school has an exceptional relationship with Simon Leigh as he has made huge contributions to our PSHE programme and morning's at TKC. The students were engaged and asking questions throughout. I would recommend this presentation to any school that wants to educate students on the appropriate use of drugs."
Hayley Warren, Strategic Lead of Personal Development.

Katharine Lady Berkeley's School


"Just to let you know, your talk to the year 11s was very effective. My son and most of his year are now off drugs as a result - apparently it really got through to them to hear from someone who has been through the experience, rather than from a policeman or someone looking at it from the other side."
Anonymous Parent.

I just wanted to say that your talk was absolutely amazing and gave me more knowledge about drugs than anything else I've ever read."
Anonymous Parent.

Royal Grammar School


"Simon delivered talks to our Y10 and Y12 students and they were absolutely outstanding... Students really valued his authenticity, his openness and the opportunity to ask questions and to receive frank and honest answers... His breadth of knowledge surrounding drugs education and in particular those drugs that seem increasingly popular such as Xanax and new psychoactive substances was second to none and both students and staff alike really valued this. We were also lucky enough to have Simon speak to some of our parents who felt the talk really helped to open up the lines of communication with their children when discussing issues such as drugs at home."
Kate Hammill, Head of PSHE.

The Harrodian School


"You brought a great combination of testimony and hard facts - to which everyone canvassed has responded positively. Your undoubted authority and experience (of all types!) went over well, and it says a great deal that neither group of pupils was straining to leave at the end - even as their lunchtime or evening began to tick away!"
Andy Woodward, Deputy Head of Senior School (Pastoral).

Queenswood School


"Simon Leigh talked to the Lower and Upper Sixth Form and gave an outstanding talk... He was able to relay in a powerful fashion, the consequences of the use of recreational drugs. The students were clearly engaged and a percentage of them have acknowledged that his message was crystal clear... The talk was illuminating and supported with strong evidence of the dangers... As a parent, I would personally have welcomed my children in their school days listening to a talk of such calibre."
Susan Scriven, Senior Sixth Form Tutor.

The Skinners' School


"I just wanted to thank you for a most captivating and powerful delivery of information. if I could pick anybody to deliver the same to my teenage son it would be you."
Anonymous Parent.

The King's School


"Simon has delivered a drug and addiction talk to students and parents at The King's School for the last three years. On each occasion he has captured everyone's interest and provided thorough information and guidance."
Justin Dixon, Deputy Headmaster.

St. Dunstan's College


"I spoke to a few of the students who thought that it was good not to have been told 'don't do drugs' for an hour, but that they were told the consequences of taking drugs. I also spoke to a member of staff who thought that the talks were very good in getting the right messages across."
Mrs G L Davies, Acting Head of Middle School.

Durston House


"The boys found the talk informative and interesting. The realisation that it is not just about saying no, but about why you should say no was enlightening. Thank you for making your talk factual and for helping our boys, who will be joining their Senor Schools next school year, be as prepared as they can be."
Mrs Mander, Head of PSHE and Science.

Stephen Perse Foundation


"There was a lot of factual, honest information and touching personal stories about himself that made the consequences of taking drugs very clear."
Anonymous Year 10 Student.

"Absolutely great - really informative and very illuminating."
Anonymous Year 10 Student.

"He was a great speaker and really involved us in the talk."
Anonymous Year 10 Student.

The Leys


"I came along to your talk to parents at the Leys last night and wanted to thank you for a really useful & illuminating talk. I have a daughter in Year 10 who is usually one of the first in her group to get her hands on a drink or a fag behind the garden shed but at the moment seems to be very anti drugs. I asked her when I got home what she thought of the talk from Simon Leigh - expecting a meh or a shrug. And she said "Complete Legend" (high praise from a 15 year old) "I was anti-drugs before but even more so now". She is the sort of girl that others seem to follow, and I really think that your talk will have re-inforced the message for many of the Year 10s you spoke to and will have an impact on the choices they make."
Anonymous Year 10 Parent.

St. Lawrence College


"Simon delivered a series of fantastic presentations which were pitched perfectly for his different audiences. Feedback from staff, parents and pupils has been overwhelmingly positive. Not only was it clear that Simon is hugely knowledgeable on the subject and able to provide up-to-date information, but he also struck exactly the right balance in terms of speaking rather than preaching to the pupils; presenting them with the facts and then leaving them to draw their own conclusions. What is more, he has the distinct advantage of being able to do so from a position of strength, having had personal experience of drugs, which undoubtedly gives him enormous credibility with the pupils. We cannot recommend him highly enough."
David Jackson, Deputy Head Pastoral.

St. James Senior Girls School


"Year 8: Lots of information that was extremely helpful...They were really glad to have 'seen' the drugs and glad to know how each of them wasn't safe in their specific ways."
"Year 11: Good to have hard facts...Anecdotes felt effective/helpful to them especially to listen to someone who has been through the reality of drug addiction...The choice of drugs to talk about was appropriate for Year 11s...Your attitude was very reasonable and relatable. They didn't feel patronised and the 'audience participation' element felt like it worked well"

Rachel Knox, Head of PSHEE.

Tunbridge Wells Grammar School for Boys


"Thank you for visiting our school and talking to the students in Years 8 - 13. It was informative, honest and made an impact on the students and staff who heard your presentation."
Rachel Adkin, Sixth Form Administrator.

"This was the first time my two boys have come home and shared so much information about school!! They learned so much and the speaker's words certainly resonated with them."
Anonymous Parent.

"My son was bowled over. So valuable. Gritty content but spoken from the heart from what I heard."
Anonymous Parent.

"I haven't had such a long conversation with my son for years. He shared so much information about drugs and the effects of taking them, what was in them and steps to prevent people taking drugs or preventing them taking tainted drugs. He was so enthusiastic with sharing what he'd learnt. Thank you"
Anonymous Parent.

"Both of my boys attended the drugs awareness talk in school ...This talk has clearly had an impact on both of them with them talking unprompted about its content, how it was presented and who it was presented by. The fact that it was presented by an ex-addict telling of his experiences and the effect on his life seems to be what stuck in their minds the most. It was a great opportunity to have an open discussion at home, instigated by them, where in the past it has usually been a topic brought up by either me or my husband."
Anonymous Parent.

South Hampstead High School


"Simon's talk was very informative. It revealed shocking facts without the judgement about whether or not you had experienced any of this. He talked about his own experience which made it personal. He had factual medical knowledge of the drug he was talking about and we really listened to him as he also talked about his own experience."
Anonymous Year 11 Student.

Meoncross School


"Simon's visit to speak with our Yr 11 pupils at Meoncross was an unqualified success. It was pitch perfectly between informing and of also giving pupils a sense of responsibility for their own actions. The pupils were engaged and rather surprised about some of the long term consequences of some drugs, that in their minds were "fairly Safe options", this opened up an interesting debate."
Angela Carter, Upper School Head of PSHE.

Prior Park College Bath


"I have to claim to be sceptical at being able to keep 200 17/18 year olds focussed for a talk on drugs for any length of time by zoom, especially given these year groups feel they have visited this topic on numerous occasions during previous PSCHE lessons and talks. However I was wrong! Simon's honesty, openness, clear and current knowledge was evident from the start. His dealing with addiction from literally every angle allowed him to offer so many anecdotes to make it feel very real and relevant. It is a refreshingly different talk full of the facts. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this talk remotely and I can only imagine Simon being even more charismatic in person."
Laura Young, Head of 6th Form (Pastoral).

Woodbridge School


"I cannot recommend Simon highly enough. This is a very important topic and it has to be done right first time. I am so glad I found Simon because he got it exactly right. The feedback from students and parents was all positive and I really feel we have given them food for thought."
Isobel Tyndale-Brown, Director of Sixth Form and Careers.

Fine Arts College


"Thank you so much for your talk... The feedback from the students was very good. They were appreciative of your factual, non-judgemental approach and all felt they learnt a lot from it."
Margaret Park, Vice-Principal.

Tunbridge Wells Girls Grammar School


"A hard hitting informative talk that was delivered with an excellent blend of factual information and case studies that had the pupils fully engaged."
Nicola Hogben, Director of Achievement (KS4).

"Really good - didn't use scare tactics - stuck to facts"
Anonymous Year 11 Student.

"It was excellent."
Anonymous Year 11 Student.

"The speaker was interesting, not condescending or patronising and he just gave factual information, realistic."
Anonymous L6 Student.


Online Talks

Prior Park College Bath


"I have to claim to be sceptical at being able to keep 200 17/18 year olds focussed for a talk on drugs for any length of time by zoom, especially given these year groups feel they have visited this topic on numerous occasions during previous PSCHE lessons and talks. However I was wrong! Simon's honesty, openness, clear and current knowledge was evident from the start. His dealing with addiction from literally every angle allowed him to offer so many anecdotes to make it feel very real and relevant. It is a refreshingly different talk full of the facts. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this talk remotely and I can only imagine Simon being even more charismatic in person."
Laura Young, Head of 6th Form (Pastoral).

The Perse


"This was our first Zoom presentation to parents and it was a great success. Simon was able to respond to questions in the 'chat box' seamlessly, ensuring a sense of mutual engagement, and he was just as powerful and informative as he had been when presenting in person on previous occasions. The Zoom format also meant we were able to reach approximately 3 times as many parents."
Gareth Machin, Senior Tutor.

"Fantastic talk, thank you, and the Zoom experience was great too although that may be down to the totally engaging speaker. Thank you!"
Anonymous Parent.

"Couldn't recommend this talk by Simon strongly enough."
Anonymous Parent.

"Such a compelling talk. Simon is clearly incredibly passionate about this important issue... Zoom worked brilliantly."
Anonymous Parent.

"A really excellent and informative talk... Zoom worked extremely well."
Anonymous Parent.

Lockers Park


"Simon gave us a wonderful and educational talk on Thursday. It was not only fascinating and kept us fully attentive for the whole 1¾ hours, it was pitched perfectly at his audience (which in our case was a group of Year 8 boys). The boys themselves were full of compliments afterwards and found it contained that special blend of being factual, interesting, advising and at the same time cautioning. It was further based on Simon's own experiences which made it all the more receptive to us all. It was indeed an excellent talk."
Mr Moubray, Head of History & RS.

"I thought it was great, especially as he didn't use scare tactics"
Anonymous Student.

"This talk was really different to the others that I heard, it was more interesting and exciting."
Anonymous Student.

"I thought it was a really good talk. He gave us some useful tips and facts to help us identify and avoid drugs at senior school which is vital."
Anonymous Student.

The London Oratory School


"To keep the attention of 160 Year 9 pupils for 90 minutes is not an easy task at the best of times, to do so via an online presentation is remarkable, Simon had them captivated from start to finish. Simon's non patronising, fact based approach coupled with his depth of experience ensured that pupils came away with exactly the information needed to have a clear and honest picture of the effects of drugs and addiction, dispelling many of the highly damaging myths which still persist. The talk to parents which followed was extremely well received and the feedback demonstrated how eager parents are to have someone of Simon's expertise guide them through this complex topic."
Dominic Lynch, Senior Master.

"I have worked with drug addicts in the past and was worried I would be bored this evening. How wrong I was. Your presentation was absolutely brilliant."
Anonymous Parent.

The Rhythm Studio Academy of Music


"This was an extremely informative talk that kept the students fully engaged throughout. Thank you Simon for equipping our students with the knowledge to make informed decisions that will help them protect their wellbeing."
Chris Hodges, Founder & CEO.

Framlingham College


"Simon didn't pull any punches, which is why his talk was so engaging for both pupils and parents. I was really impressed with how he skilfully answered questions, from both groups, giving only his truth in an effective and thought-provoking manner. I feel reassured that our pupils and parents have received Simon's talk."
Alex Boyd-Williams, Head of Sixth Form.

"Really good, slightly scary but definitely worth watching."
Anonymous Parent.

"Just a quick message to say thank you for the very informative presentation yesterday on drugs. I thought that it was excellent."
Anonymous Parent.

St. John's School


"Simon has presented his drug awareness talk to our pupils for many years now. This week he delivered it via Google Meets for the first time and it was very successful. They were able to follow the slides and ask questions at regular intervals. All the boys were fully engaged and I have had very positive feedback from boys and staff alike. I would recommend Simon to all schools and the online delivery in no way detracted from the really important message about drug awareness."
Jessica Savage, Head of Communications.

Park Lane International School - Prague, Czech Republic


"Simon delivered a talk that struck the optimal balance between straight facts, words of caution and guidance on handling encounters with drugs. The lecture was absent of condescension that often prevails in lectures on this topic. It was captivating, informative and presented in an absolutely relatable manner to the students."
Leonela Nicollaj, Teaching Assistant.

The British School of Barcelona - Barcelona, Spain


"I just wanted to say a big thank you for your talk to Year 10 today. I wish we could have done it face to face but I still felt the presentation had a really powerful effect and the message of being properly informed and knowing the facts about drugs was exactly what we are all looking to reinforce from a school point of view... I very much hope we can work together again."
James Petrie, Head of Secondary.

The English Montessori School - Madrid, Spain


"Simon's talk about Drugs and Drug Dependency was very insightful and well explained. Of all the talks we have had about drugs this one was the best because he gave us the actual facts. He gave us advice other than just telling us not to do drugs. We liked that he talked about personal experiences because it made it feel close and real. How he explained addiction - not wanting to do it but needing it - was very impactful."
Year 10 Students.

"Simon's talk about Drugs and Drug Dependency was very interesting. We liked that he spoke from his own experiences and about regret and how that feels. The way he talked showed he wasn't ashamed of speaking about his story, he just wanted us to learn from his mistakes and spoke in a very sincere way to show the consequences of drug addiction. He was honest and it's hard to talk about rough moments in your life but he was brave to share that with us. The stories he told were very impactful and after you hear the stories you can imagine what it's like to live through that... We liked that he had both points of view - experience and studies - and he didn't sugar coat things, he was real. He talks about drug users as people who need help, not people who have done something really wrong. He wasn't trying to scare us, he just told us the facts which are scary enough by themselves. He spoke very well and was very easy to understand."
Year 11 Students.

Aloha College - Marbella, Spain


"The staff and the kids were very impressed with you as a speaker and the information you provided... it was worth the wait... 95.4% said they now feel better informed to make decisions regarding drug-taking."
Louise Verinder, Head of Pastoral Care.

"When I heard we were having a drugs talk I was expecting someone to just tell us drugs are bad so don't do them. I just wanted to thank you for understanding that we are teenagers and are likely to want to experiment and also for sharing your experience as well as the facts with us in the way that you did."
Anonymous 6th Form student.

"Absolutely fascinating and enlightening for us all."
Anonymous Student.



"Thank you very much for your presentation today. The pupils were clearly engaged and found the experience very interesting and useful... I had felt before the presentation that Zoom was not the ideal medium for this kind of talk, but I must say I was quite delighted and surprised to note that it brought some clear advantages... the pupils could pose questions on the chat without interrupting you, and you were able to cast your eye over the questions throughout... It must be a difficult task to judge the extent to which a presentation should be based on informing a class and the extent to which it should be focused on reacting to the questions of the class; I think you struck a very good balance between the two."
Alex Gordon, Head of Modern Foreign Languages, Citizenship & PSHEE Coordinator.

"You changed my views on drugs today"
Anonymous Year 9 Student.

Walthamstow Hall


"Simon delivered an engaging and information-packed session to our Year 10 and Year 11 students. He educated them on the facts, effects and dangers of drugs and they have reported that they now feel much more confident to make informed decisions. He avoids scare tactics and instead empowers them through information. We will definitely be inviting him back to talk to these year groups in the future."
Mrs K O'Donnell, Head of Key Stage 4.

Woodbridge School


"I cannot recommend Simon highly enough. This is a very important topic and it has to be done right first time. I am so glad I found Simon because he got it exactly right. The feedback from students and parents was all positive and I really feel we have given them food for thought."
Isobel Tyndale-Brown, Director of Sixth Form and Careers.

The Grove School


"I just wanted to send a quick thank you for your talks yesterday with our students. Speaking to them and the tutors at the end of the day, they all said they got a huge amount from your talk and wanted to thank you for your openness and honesty."
Dave Hughes-Beddows, Teacher of History and Link Teacher for Student Welfare Ambassadors.

St. Margaret's School Bushey


"Simon's talk was informative and engaging. The Sixth Formers walked away with up to date knowledge, frankly given, in order to support them making future choices."
Charlotte Harrison, Director of Sixth Form.

Wetherby Preparatory School


"I would not hesitate to recommend Simon Leigh to other schools. His presentation was informative, thoroughly engaging and covered a sensitive topic in sound, practical way."
Nick Morrison, Head of Years 7 & 8.

The King Alfred School


"There was so much more to this drugs talk than we had ever heard before. Simon is honest and upfront about side effects."
Anonymous Year 9 Student.

"The best drugs talk we have ever had."
Anonymous Year 9 Student.

"Simon delivers a very open and frank talk that allows pupils to ask relevant questions."
Claire Murphy, Head of Years 8 & 9.

King's High School


"We have just gathered feedback from our students and almost everyone who attended your talks felt they were the best and most engaging (150 students!) Most of these students attended four talks last week so this is quite an achievement!"
Shirley Watson, Deputy Head Pastoral and Head of Key Stage 3.

"His approach was effective and interesting. Speaking about his experiences and relating it to relevant information. I thought I had complete knowledge before, but he had another level of depth in knowledge that he shared with us. He made you want to listen by making us feel as though we didn't need to. He wasn't trying to scare us. He was such a good speaker."
Anonymous Year 11 Student.

Ryde School with Upper Chine


"Simon gave a talk with the combined approach of tough realism, facts and personal experience. I had eighty students in the room and I could see them listening and taking on board what he was saying at different times due to the varied approaches of getting across the message. Despite being Sixth Form and having presentations on drugs, they all learned something and were talking about it for the rest of the day (I had to apologise to the lesson that followed as the academic work was not on their mind!) Simon's life experience gave a unique insight into the reality of drug use and the students responded to it very positively."
Matt Windsor, Head of Sixth Form.


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